Curating Development artworks exhibited in the Art Gallery at Keele University, seen by staff and students in daily encounters with public art in the central university building’s social space.
"Curating Development is an exhibition of art by Filipino migrant workers in London and Hong Kong. Community members collaborated with NGOs (Non-governmental organisations), artists and researchers to make artworks exploring migrants’ contributions to national development in the Philippines and their own welfare while working abroad.
Over 10 million Filipinos now live and work outside the Philippines on short-term contracts. Women who migrate often work in the care sector. They are nurses, care workers, care givers, nannies and housekeepers. The money, goods and ideas they send home to the Philippines contribute to the country’s development in a wide variety of ways that may be taken for granted.
Curating Development makes some of migrants’ development contributions visible. We see money sent home to fund education, purchase land, invest in transportation, set up businesses. But we also find gifts and mementos, used goods, relics, artefacts and just ‘stuff’ sent back and forth to carry care across distance."
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