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  • curatingdevelopment

Guhit Kulay Canvases at Home in Manila

In November, 2018, Ms Carmelita Nuqui, Executive Director of Philippine Migrants Rights Watch (PMRW), together with the team at the Development Action Women Network (DAWN) received the four Guhit Kulay paintings from Curating Development project partners Dr Marla Asis, Scalabrini Migrationi Center and Ma Rosalyn Mesina, formerly executive director of Enrich HK.

The paintings by Christina Cayat, Cecil Eduarte, Noemi Manguerra & Ruby Timtim four of the founding members of the art collective Guhit Kulay, were were purchased by an anonymous donor at the auction held as part of the final exhibition at the Hive Spring Hong Kong in April 2018. They have been donated to the Vargas Museum who have formally received these in to their accessions. In order to ensure that the paintings continued to be appreciated by widest possible audience, they are being held on indefinite loan at the headquarters of PMRW and DAWN in Ermita, Manila.

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